
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Health Benefits of Durian

Fruit Description:

  • Durian tree: grow up to 27 m
  • Fruit Shape: oblong
  • Length: 20-35cm, diameter: 18-22 cm and weighs from 1-9kg.
  • Rind: thick, semi-wood with stout, sharply pointed spines; color: yellowish-green.
  • Edible Pulp/ flesh: After opening the fruit you will find 5 or less compartments containing the creamy-white or yellowish edible pulp with custard-like consistency.
  • Seeds: 1 to 7 chestnut-like seeds, 2-6 cm long with glossy, red-brown color.

Health Benefits:

  • Durian is extremely nutritious because it is rich in vitamin B, C and E and with high iron content. Eating durian is alleged to restore the health of ailing humans and animals.
  • A preparation from its roots and leaves is prescribed by traditional doctors for fevers and jaundice.
  • Decoctions of the leaves and fruits are applied to swellings and skin diseases.
  • Durian fruit helps lower cholesterol.
  • Durian is a strong blood cleanser.
  • The ash of the burned rind is taken after childbirth.
  • Durian contains high levels of the amino acid tryptophan, known to alleviate anxiety, depression, and insomnia, and create feelings of happiness, by raising levels of serotonin in the brain
  • Durian contains high level of soft protein which makes it a good muscle builder.
  • Durian has a reputation as a powerful aphrodisiac.
  • Durian is recommended as a good source of raw fats.


  1. Hi Eddie,

    myself and a friend are thinking about coming to your orchard this sunday (11 July 2010) say around 2-3pm. This is the right time? We are looking for durians. Let me know? Thks.

  2. u may come but pls call me 0199859612 2 days before u come to comfrime thks.

  3. Its 0199659612
